Total Registered Land with the Litle Shri Krishan Co-Education College Harsoli, Distt-Alwar (Rajsthan) Pin-36004 is 8250 sq Mts. Existing Covered| Bulit up Area:7485.76 sq mts.
(1) Class Room B.A,B.Sc, B.Com-9 (20×30 sq. feet)
(2) ICT Reoure Room-1 (17×11 sq. feet)
(3) Library-1 ((20×30 sq. feet)
(4) Science Lab-4 (20×30 sq. feet)
(5) Psychology lab-1 (7.7×6.1 mts)
(6) Geography Lab (20×30 sq. feet)
(7) Multi Propse Hall-1 (2150 sq. mts)
(8) Principl Office (20×30 sq. feet)
(9) Faculty Room-1 (7.7×6.1 mts)
(10) Visitors Room-1 (7.7×6.1 mts)
(11) Parking Space
(12) Palyground
(13) Basket Ball, Kho-Kho and Vollley Ball Play Ground – Available
(14) Toilets for Girls-3
(15) Toilets for Boys-3
(16) Toilets for Staff-1